
Kidney cancer

1. What is Kidney Cancer?

Renal cancer, commonly referred to as kidney cancer, comprises a collection of malignancies that originate within the kidney. Indications of this condition may encompass the presence of blood in the urine, the identification of an abdominal lump, or experiencing back pain.

Kidney Cancer

3. What are the types of Kidney Cancers?

There are many types of kidney cancer, with the most common type being renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Here are the primary types of kidney cancer:

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Renal cell carcinoma accounts for about 90% of kidney cancer cases. There are different subtypes of RCC, including:

  1. Clear Cell Carcinoma: This is the most common subtype, accounting for about 70-80% of RCC cases. The cancer cells appear clear under a microscope.
  2. Papillary Carcinoma: This subtype accounts for about 10-15% of RCC cases. The cancer cells have finger-like projections when viewed under a microscope.
  3. Chromophobe Carcinoma: This subtype makes up about 5% of RCC cases. The cancer cells are larger and have a distinct appearance under a microscope.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC): Transitional cell carcinoma, also known as urothelial carcinoma, typically originates in the lining of the renal pelvis, the area that the kidney connects to the ureter. TCC can also develop in the ureters or the bladder.

Wilms Tumor (Nephroblastoma): Wilms tumor is a type of kidney cancer that primarily affects children, usually between the ages of 3 and 4. It is rare in adults. Wilms tumor develops from immature kidney cells and is usually confined to one kidney.

Renal Sarcoma: It is a type of kidney cancer that grows in the connective tissue of the kidney. It accounts for only about 1-2% of kidney cancer cases.

It’s important to note that renal cell carcinoma is the most prevalent and well-studied type of kidney cancer, while the other types are relatively less common. Each type may have different characteristics, treatment approaches, and prognoses. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.

4. What are the symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

The symptoms of kidney cancer vary from person to person, and some individuals may not experience any of the symptoms in the early stages of the disease. However if the cancer progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

Blood in the urine (hematuria): Kidney’s Cancer common sign is the Blood in the urine The urine may appear pink, red, or cola-colored.This common sign may be also the result of other conditions, but it should always be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Back pain: Constant pain in the lower back, below the ribs, or on the side of the affected kidney is another common symptom. The pain may be dull and persistent or sharp and intermittent.

Weight loss : People with Kidney cancer may experience unexplained weight loss. It may go along with a loss of appetite.

Fatigue: Feeling excessively tired or lacking energy without any reason can be a symptom of kidney cancer.

Fever: Some individuals with kidney cancer may experience recurrent or persistent fevers that are not related to any other apparent cause.

Swelling: Swelling in the legs or ankles can occur when kidney cancer spreads and affects the lymphatic system, leading to fluid buildup.

Anemia: Kidney cancer can cause anemia, which is a shortage of red blood cells. Anemia can result in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.

5. Stages Involved in the Growth of Kidney Cancer:

Cancer staging is a method used to describe the location of cancer, its spread, and whether it has affected other parts of the body.

Doctors utilize diagnostic tests to determine the cancer stage, which may require completing all necessary tests. Staging assists doctors in recommending appropriate treatment and predicting a patient’s prognosis or likelihood of recovery. Different types of cancer have distinct stage descriptions.

The TNM system is a tool commonly employed by doctors to define the cancer stage. This system utilizes diagnostic test results and scans to answer three key questions:

Tumor (T): How large is the primary tumor, and where is it located?

Node (N): Has the tumor spread to the lymph nodes? If so, where and to what extent?

Metastasis (M): Has the cancer metastasized to other body parts? If so, where and how much?

These results are combined to determine the cancer stage for each individual.


There are five stages for kidney cancer: stage 0 (zero) and stages I through IV (1 through 4). Stage 0 kidney cancer is extremely rare. Staging provides a common language for doctors to collaborate and devise optimal treatment plans.

Here are further details on each component of the TNM system for kidney cancer:


Tumor (T):

Using the TNM system, the “T” is followed by a letter or number (0 to 4) to describe the size and location of the tumor. Tumors are measured in centimeters (cm), with one inch approximately equaling 2.5 cm. The stage may also be divided into smaller groups to provide more detailed information about the tumor, aiding in treatment planning. If multiple tumors are present, the lowercase letter “m” (indicating “multiple”) is added to the “T” stage category. The specific tumor stage information for kidney cancer is as follows:

TX: The primary tumor cannot be evaluated.

T0 (T zero): No evidence of a primary tumor.

T1: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures 7 cm or smaller at its largest area. Doctors have an ongoing discussion regarding whether this classification should only include 5 cm or smaller tumors.

T1a: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures 4 cm or smaller at its largest area.

T1b: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures 4 cm and 7 cm in its largest area.

T2: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures larger than 7 cm in its largest area.

T2a: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures more than 7 cm but not more than 10 cm in its largest area.

T2b: The tumor is confined to the kidney and measures more than 10 cm in its largest area.

T3: The tumor has invaded the major veins within the kidney or the perinephric tissue (connective, fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys), but it has not spread to the adrenal gland on the same side of the body as the tumor. It has not extended beyond Gerota’s fascia, the tissue envelope surrounding the kidney.

T3a: The tumor has spread to the large vein leading out of the kidney (renal vein) or its branches, the fat surrounding or inside the kidney, or the pelvis and calyces of the kidney (structures that collect urine before it reaches the bladder). The tumor has not grown beyond Gerota’s fascia.

T3b: Below the diaphragm, the tumour has infiltrated the inferior vena cava, draining life power into the heart. 

T3c: Like an insurgent force, the tumour has taken authority above the diaphragm, invading the vena cava’s territory, breaching the right atrium’s walls, and laying claim to its ramparts.

T4: The tumor has spread beyond Gerota’s fascia and has extended into adjacent organs, including the adrenal gland, liver, intestines, spleen, or pancreas.


Node (N):

The “N” in the TNM system represents lymph nodes. Lymph nodes, small bean-shaped organs, play a role in fighting infection. Lymph nodes near the kidneys are referred to as regional lymph nodes, while those in other body parts are called distant lymph nodes.

NX: The regional lymph nodes cannot be evaluated.

N0 (N zero): The cancer has not spread to the regional lymph nodes.

N1: The cancer has spread to regional lymph nodes.


Metastasis (M):

The “M” in the TNM method shows that the cancer has spread beyond its original site and is looking for a home in other parts of the body. Kidney cancer, with its nomadic tendencies, goes on a relentless pilgrimage, infiltrating the bones, liver, lungs, brain, and far-flung lymph nodes, painting a canvas of metastatic possibilities.

M0 (M zero): The disease has not metastasized.

M1: The cancer has spread beyond the kidney area to other body parts.


Stage groups for kidney cancer:

Doctors assign the cancer stage by combining the T, N, and M classifications.

  • Stage I: The tumor is 7 cm or smaller, confined to the kidney, and has not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs (T1, N0, M0).
  • Stage II: The tumor is larger than 7 cm, confined to the kidney, and has not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs (T2, N0, M0).
  • Stage III: Either of the following conditions:
  • A tumor of any size is confined to the kidney and has spread to regional lymph nodes but has not metastasized to other body parts (T1 or T2, N1, M0).
  • The tumor has invaded major veins or perinephric tissue, with or without spreading to regional lymph nodes, but has not metastasized (T3, any N, M0).
  • Stage IV: Either of the following conditions:
  • The tumor has spread beyond Gerota’s fascia. It has extended into the adrenal gland on the same side as the tumor, possibly involving lymph nodes but not other organs (T4, any N, M0).
  • The tumor has spread to other organs, such as the lungs, bones, or brain (T, N, M1).
  • Recurrent: Recurrent cancer refers to cancer that has returned after treatment. It may reappear in the kidney area or other parts of the body. 

In case of recurrence, additional tests will be conducted to determine the extent of the cancer, similar to the initial diagnosis process.

6. What are the causes of Kidney Cancer?

The exact causes of kidney cancer are often unknown, but many factors can increase the risk of developing the disease. These factors include:

Smoking: Smoking tobacco is a significant risk factor for kidney cancer. Smokers have a higher risk compared to nonsmokers, and the risk increases from smoking more cigarettes.

Obesity: Individuals who are obese or overweight have an increased risk of developing kidney cancer. The reasons behind this association are not fully understood, but excess body weight may contribute to hormonal changes that may promote cancer development.

High Blood Pressure: Chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) is considered a risk factor for kidney cancer. The exact relationship between hypertension and kidney cancer is not fully and well understood, but it is believed that hypertension may contribute to the development of kidney tumors.

Family History: If any individual has a family history of kidney cancer increases the risk of developing the disease. Certain inherited genetic conditions, such as von Hippel-Lindau disease, hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma, and hereditary leiomyomatosis, and renal cell cancer syndrome, are associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer.

Certain Genetic Conditions: Some genetic conditions are known to increase the risk of kidney cancer, even without a family history. 

Exposure to Certain Chemicals: Prolonged exposure to certain chemicals and substances in the workplace, such as asbestos, cadmium, benzene, certain herbicides, and organic solvents, may increase the risk of kidney cancer.

Gender and Age: Men are at a slightly higher risk of developing kidney cancer than women. Kidney cancer occurs most commonly above at 40’s age and the risk increases with age.

It is important that the above risk factors do not guarantee the development of kidney cancer, and some individuals without any known risk factors may still develop the disease. Regular check-ups, a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding exposure to harmful substances can help reduce the risk of kidney cancer.

7. How can we prevent Kidney Cancer?

In the first step, we must understand that there is no foolproof way to prevent bladder cancer or any type of cancer. But, there are several steps that you can follow to reduce your risk of developing the disease. We are sharing some of the easiest steps so that you can keep Bladder cancer at a bay. 

Quit smoking: Because, smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer, accounting for over 50% of all cases. If you have a habit to smoke, quitting is the best idea to reduce your risk.

Drink plenty of water: Drinking more water can help flush out toxins from your body and reduce your risk of bladder cancer. So, aim to drink at least 4 liters glasses of water a day.

Limit exposure to harmful chemicals: Your risk of developing bladder cancer may rise if you are exposed to dangerous chemicals, such as those used in industrial settings.

Eat a healthy diet: To reduce your risk of bladder cancer, choose a diet high with fruits, vegetables, and grains. Steer clear of processed foods, alcoholic beverages, and foods heavy in trans and saturated fats.

Stay physically active: The chance of developing bladder cancer can be lowered by regular exercise. Try to engage in light activity for at least 30 minutes on the alternate days of the week, such as walking, yoga or cycling.

Practice good hygiene: If you suffer bladder infections, your risk of developing bladder cancer may rise. You can reduce your risk by wiping the parts from front to back after using the restroom and avoiding harsh soaps and douches.

Get regular check-ups: Frequent doctor visits can aid in the early detection of bladder cancer, when it is most curable. Your doctor might advise extra screening tests if you have a family inheritance of this cancer or are at high risk owing to other factors.

8. How Punarjan Ayurveda Treats Kidney Cancer?

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey in our serene environment. It is the place where traditional healing converges with the cutting-edge frontiers of modern medicine. 

Welcome to Punarjan Ayurveda!

Our therapy is woven with the threads of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom intricately intertwined with the contemporary medical breakthroughs. Indulge yourself in our treatment symphony that is carefully designed to harmonize with your unique battle against this formidable disease.

Within our sacred halls, we forge an arsenal that protects against chronic diseases. Witness the multidimensional medical era unfolding. 

Our bold mission—a quest to eradicate cancer deaths and to defeat the malicious forces that threaten your health lies beneath the surface of symptom relief. We work to strengthen the natural immunity of your body by boosting resistance.

We created a place where the junction of rejuvenation and detoxification unfolds.

We must recognize the underlying reality that bladder cancer is not only a physically dangerous environment, but it can affect one’s emotions too. With this understanding, our team acts as guides and protectors during your quest. We are here to solve mysteries and spread information so that we can illuminate your path. 

Punarjan Ayurveda enthusiastically anticipates your visit as the horizon of possibilities rises up. Today, we take a historic step to reach out to every possible victim of cancer and support them with the help of ayurvedic elixir. It is an offered ray of hope by Mother Nature. Remember that you are never fighting this difficult struggle alone; because Punarjan Ayurveda will be at your side the entire time standing firm.

What questions should I ask about kidney cancer?

When discussing kidney cancer with your healthcare provider, consider asking these key questions:

What type of kidney cancer do I have? There are different types, each with its treatment approach.
What is the stage of my kidney cancer? The stage can influence treatment options and prognosis.
Can you detail the treatment alternatives for me? The stage and type of cancer influence the treatment plan.
What risks might the recommended treatment pose? Side effects insight enables well-informed decisions.
What is my prognosis? Planning with this information can be beneficial.
Must I seek further professional opinion? A second opinion can confirm the diagnosis and explore all available treatment options.

What are some interesting facts about kidney cancer?

Cancer originating in the kidneys, the two bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood and produce urine, is known as renal cancer. Kidney cancer is a common type of cancer with several interesting aspects:

Prevalence: Of all cancers, lung cancer places ninth in incidence rate globally and accounts for nearly 2% of all cancer cases.
Risk Factors: Because of elements including cigarette usage, overweight, high blood pressure, and extended dialysis therapy, the likelihood of developing kidney cancer rises.
Symptoms and Detection: Early-stage kidney cancer rarely shows symptoms. In later stages, it may cause blood in urine, back pain, loss of appetite, and fatigue.
Treatment Response: Kidney cancer treatment effectiveness is evaluated based on the magnitude of tumor shrinkage.

How fast does kidney cancer grow?

The growth of kidney cancer differs significantly, impacted by factors like the kind of cancer and overall health. Some kidney cancers can grow and spread rapidly, potentially damaging nearby organs, while others grow slowly. Early detection, often when tumors are small and confined to the kidney, improves treatment outcomes.

What makes kidney cancer grow?

Like other cancers, kidney cancer’s growth is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Here are three key factors:

Genetic Mutations: Changes in DNA can cause cells to grow and divide rapidly, forming a tumor.
Smoking: Increases the risk of kidney cancer; the risk decreases after quitting.
Obesity: Higher risk of kidney cancer is associated with obesity.

Can kidney cancer be genetic?

Yes, kidney cancer can be genetic. While most kidney cancer cases are not inherited, certain inherited conditions can increase the risk. These include von Hippel-Lindau disease, hereditary papillary renal carcinoma, and Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. Though having a relative with kidney cancer may not automatically ensure one will get the disease.

What food is good for kidney cancer?

A wholesome diet cannot directly address kidney cancer, but it can fortify your immune system and all-around wellness, making it easier to battle the illness. Here are some recommendations:

Fruits and Vegetables: Antioxidant-laden foods guard the body against cellular harm.
Lean Proteins: Such as fish, poultry, and tofu(soy paneer), are essential for tissue repair and immune function.
Whole Grains: These foods contribute to a balanced digestive system by providing essential fibers.
Healthy Fats: These nutritious options contribute to general health improvement.
Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps keep kidneys functioning properly.

Can you live without kidneys?

Yes, you can live without kidneys, but it requires medical intervention. Without kidneys, you’d need to undergo regular dialysis treatments to filter waste from your blood or receive a kidney transplant. Both options carry risks and require lifestyle changes.

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